LSS Weekly Group Rides
"The LSS Coffee Ride"

The LSS Coffee Ride is our weekly time to spin the pedals, socialize, and take in all the joys that cycling has to offer.
This ride is catered to riders of all levels, from the beginner all the way to the seasoned pro. The route is 20 miles and averages between 15 and 17 miles per hour. We emphasize good group ride habits and techniques. Make some time to hang out for coffee afterwards!
The ride departs the shop at 8:00am every Saturday, weather permitting. Check Instagram stories on Friday afternoons for weekly updates.

Trinity is a fast, lengendary group ride that has existed since the 1990's! LSS is proud to be the starting point for this ride each Saturday. The ride is an all-out race simulation that emphasizes pacelining, team tactics, and technical ability. It's a true rush of speed and an expereince that will keep you coming back for more!
The ride takes a northerly route that is 62 miles averaging upwards of 21 mph with designated sprint sections.
The ride departs at 7am from LSS in the summer months, and then changes to 8am departure in the colder months. Check the "Trinity Group Ride" Facebook page for weekly updates.